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In Rise Kids, we are on a mission to saturate the smallest members in our community with the gospel! Infants through fifth graders are invited to join us on Sundays for engaging and age appropriate teaching and worship. Through vibrant and nurturing classroom environments, our hope is that each child will discover the transformative love and hope that Jesus has to offer them. And that their faith would be based on Biblical truths that foster a deep and life-long connection with Jesus.

Rise Kids is committed to providing a church experience that is safe, fun, and all about Jesus. Our team members are trained and equipped to serve your children on Sundays. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming space where children feel valued, loved, and excited to learn about Jesus.

Our prayer is that every child would find, fall in love with, and choose to follow Jesus. Through our intentional approach and a partnership with parents, we believe that we can aid in the creation of Christ seeking individuals.


Marisa Brown

Rise Kids Lead
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The Lord your God is in your midst, a Mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with
gladness. Zephaniah 3:17

God is mighty.

BIBLE STORY: Rahab Joshua 2,6

God works in mighty and unexpected ways.

Judges 7

God is mighty even when we are hurting.

Ruth 1-4

Nothing is mightier than God.

BIBLE STORY: David and Goliath
1 Samuel 17


We comply with the state of Oregon's safety standards for childcare including cleanliness, as well as, background checks, and proper training for adult volunteers. You can rest assured that your kids are in a safe place each week!

Kids are built for fun and we want to provide an environment where they can be who they were created to be! Each week our schedule is carefully crafted to create an engaging experience of learning that each kid will enjoy and want more of!

Our desire is to point kids to the hope of the world: Jesus. We want every kid to hear about Jesus every week so they can know him by his love, forgiveness, and sacrifice for them. Jesus loves your kids and we want them to know that love!


In Rise Kids, we aren’t babysitting or providing childcare. We are creating disciples who will someday create disciples! The future of the church is our children. We believe that everything we do —from playing games and reading books to wrangling wiggly toddlers to facilitating small group discussions, aids in the formation of a child’s relationship with Christ. We are on a mission to help kids find and fall in love with Jesus! Join us on this important mission!

Meet the Leads

Rise Kids is led by over a dozen individuals who are pouring out their time and talent to see the next generation come to faith in an environment that is safe, fun, and all about Jesus. Each age group and program is led with care by people that are meeting kids on their level, making activities are age-appropriate, and helping lead them to worship Jesus.