As followers of Jesus, we are called to worship him with our whole lives. Giving generously of our finances is one of the ways we do that. Rise is supported entirely by the generous giving of people just like you.
Sundays are a time where we can give in person as an act of worship. We are intentional about not passing a plate, in order to allow people to give joyfully, not under compulsion. You can give via check or cash at our giving station.
Mail A Check
Mail checks made out to Rise City Church
1220 NE Kelly Ave
Gresham, OR 97030
Give Stocks or Non-Cash Assets
You can give appreciated stocks or mutal funds that are fully deductable. This is done using the form below.
Rise City Church is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. (Tax ID #46-4354286) Your Donations are Tax Deductible.
Where does your giving go?
Outward Reach
10% of our budget helps us reach outward. 10% of that is dedicated to Kingdom Builders that supports local partnerships, global missions, and church plants.
26%of our budget covers Ministry expenses such as weekly ministry programs pouring into our youth, Rise Kids, and Sunday gatherings.
41%of our budget is invested in Rise Staff, allowing them to serve and equip our church.
Facility + Operations
23%of our budget is invested in Facility + Operations such as our building, facility costs, and weekly operations.
Kingdom Builders is a fundraising initiative to advance the mission in our time through strategic financial investment in the areas of: city impact, world missions, and church multiplication.