Rise Leadership is responsible for the governance and oversight of our mission and biblical calling. While men and women are called to different roles in scripture, we are created to partner together. This team is made of a plurality of biblically qualified leaders who lovingly lead our church together.
Jason Clarke
Dave Grey
Kristen Friend
Andre Stickney
Stacey Cutshall
Chris Cutshall
Steve Overby
Sherry Grey
Our Executive Ministry Team is responsible for the execution of our mission. This includes planning and strategizing around our vision, and equipping our church body for ministry.
Jason Clarke
Kristen Friend
Marisa Brown
Jordan Fahlman
Stacey Cutshall
Colette Hoekstra
Dylan Bell
Tommy Elrod
Team Leads
A Team Lead is a ministry leader at Rise who is committed to raising up a team of people to further the mission of Gospel Saturation in our city. These are men and women of significant influence who are consistently being invested in, equipped, and mobilized to lead.
Aimee Elrod
Amanda VanWormer
Brandon Tjaden
Chelsey Hargens
Gabe Callaway
Hailey Joy
Hanna Callaway
Hannah Nobes
Jared Friend
Jared Hargens
Julie Stickney
Justin Olson
Kassie Cox
Kim Ray
Melissa Larson
Rachael Silva
Stephenie Olson
Tanya Williamson
Taylor Larson
Tyler Nobes
Team Leads: Next Gen
A Team Lead is a ministry leader at Rise who is committed to raising up a team of people to further the mission of Gospel Saturation in our city. These are men and women of significant influence who are consistently being invested in, equipped, and mobilized to lead.