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Theology of the Holy Spirit

Theology of the Holy Spirit

Have you ever felt sick and exhausted and met with the realization how extremely frail and insufficient your body is? Or have you ever felt an emptiness inside during a dark and draining season? It’s in those times you realize you are not enough on your own.

The Christian is never alone. Jesus and the Father sent the Holy Spirit. In a world that values independence, Christians are called to Spirit-dependence. In a world that says “believe in yourself” the Scriptures teach us to wait on the Spirit. In a world that throws off all restraint, the Jesus-followers embrace being constrained by the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who was promised by Jesus and indwells and empowers the Christian individually and the Church corporately. He resurrects the hearts of unbelievers, indwells the hearts of believers, gifts Christians for ministry, enlightens the mind of disciples, and fills us with discernment.

Who is this Holy Spirit? While some think of the Holy Spirit and get nervous that He somehow brings about chaos, the Scriptures teach us to love and embrace the power of the Holy Spirit!

He is eternal God, the Author of Scripture, the Spirit of the Father, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of holiness, the Spirit of life, the Spirit of glory, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, grace and supplication, adoption, sonship, judgment and fire, the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, the Helper, the Counselor, the breath that inspired the writing of Scripture and carried men along as they Spoke for God, He brings to mind all the things that Jesus taught the disciples. It was, in fact, so important that we have the Holy Spirit, that Jesus left in His physical presence so that we could have the Holy Spirit.

We need the Holy Spirit.

Genesis 1:2, Ezekiel 36:25-27, Matthew 10:20, John 14:26, John 16:7, Acts 1:4, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:33, Acts 20:22, Romans 8:11, Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 1:17-18, Philippians 1:19, 2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17

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