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Day 1 - Compassionate From the Beginning

Have you ever noticed while reading in the book of Genesis, God shows his compassion for us? After Adam and Eve sinned, God knew exactly where they were and what they did, but He also showed mercy, concern —and compassion, by drawing near to them. Before God sent them out of the garden He first clothed them, caring for them. And when Cain killed his brother Abel, God let him start over somewhere else and protected him from being killed. God showed us that he is not only fair, but also kind and forgiving.

While it might have also been partially justice that motivated God to separate different people groups with different languages in Babylon, it was primarily His compassion. He did that not only to stop them from doing evil things but also to save them from being wiped out altogether. 

He judged the nations that went too far, but he also chose one nation - the Israelites - to be his special people. And as we’ll explore on Day 5, His compassion ultimately led to sending a savior to be the greatest act of mercy of all.

Dear God,

As I approach You today, I'm reminded of Your compassion from the beginning of time. Your mercy and Your forgiveness reveal Your compassionate nature. Thank You for Your kindness and second chances. I see Your compassionate desire to save. Help me embody Your compassion in my daily life. In Jesus' name, I pray.


Day 2: He is Close to the Brokenhearted

Sometimes it feels like pain is all around us. Even if you’re not in a season of grief, most likely you know someone who is. Divorce, loss of job, illness, death of a spouse or child - it’s all considered loss and it can feel like you’re underwater with no way to the top. Yet, God sees, bears our burdens, and cares deeply for the brokenhearted. It is so fitting that compassionate is the first word God uses to describe himself. And so when we’re in pain or see others suffering, we can be certain that God is deeply moved and that he is there to meet us with his deep compassion.

God’s compassion is closely related to His love and mercy. Compassion is a deep empathy for those who are in need. To be compassionate, in the original biblical languages is to have mercy, to feel sympathy, and to be concerned.If you are going through a time of grief, remember that God is with you and he loves you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Quite simply, you are not alone, He understands, and He’s holding you close.

Dear Jesus,

In moments of brokenness, I find solace in knowing that You are close to the brokenhearted. Your compassion is a comforting presence, bringing healing and hope. Thank you for being near when I need it the most. Help me to feel Your closeness and share Your compassion with others.


Day 3: A Maternal Compassion

The Hebrew meaning of compassion is closely related to the word “womb” —the Father carries and cares for us in such a tender way. The Greek definition of compassion is related to twisting and movement…the active part of compassion. So compassion in the Hebrew Bible is centered in a person’s core, and the word invites us to imagine a mother’s tender feelings for her vulnerable infant.

We read about King Solomon with two new mothers and a heartbreaking event unfolds. One of the infants sadly passes away, leading both women to say that the surviving baby belongs to them. Solomon suggests dividing the baby in half and giving each mother a portion. The real mother's love rings out loudly when she selflessly chooses to let the other woman have the baby, rather than witnessing her child face such a tragic fate. It's her compassion that unveils her as the real mother.

God takes great care in appearing to us. God is clearly full of mother-like compassion for each of us. Such feminine tenderness opens up a whole new world of understanding when we learn more about God’s perfect love and emotion.

Dear God,

In Your infinite love, I recognize a maternal compassion that embraces, nurtures, and understands. Like a caring mother, You hold me close, offering comfort and assurance. Thank you for this nurturing love that provides warmth and security. May I rest in Your maternal embrace, knowing I am cherished.

In Your compassionate name, I pray.


Day 4: Compassionate to Sinners

Throughout His Word, God shows that He is full of compassion and forgiveness toward sinners. Although the Lord hates sin and vows to bring judgment on sinners, God's heart yearns for repentance. He longs that sinners turn away from their ways, sparing them from facing His judgment.

To the stubborn and rebellious who forget all that the Lord has done for them, He is still “a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” Even after God’s people committed great evil and blasphemies, God continues to shower them with compassion and forgiveness.

Like all of God’s attributes, His compassion is infinite and eternal. His compassions never fail; they are new every morning


As a sinner, I come before You, grateful for Your boundless compassion. Your mercy and forgiveness are my refuge. Thank you for understanding my shortcomings and still embracing me with love. Help me grow in Your grace, and may Your compassion guide my steps.

In Jesus name.


Day 5: A Compassionate Savior

God’s compassion reaches its highest expression in Jesus Christ, His Son, who came to save us. Moved by compassion, Jesus healed the sick, consoled the mourners, fed the hungry, gave rest to the tired, and offered salvation to the lost.

Jesus is the perfect example of compassion, as he shared in our grief, pain, and temptation. By becoming human, he went through everything we go through. This human experience enabled him to defeat the devil, who had the power of death, by dying for us.

Through his compassionate death for us, Jesus forgave our sins and delivered us from eternal death. Even when he was betrayed and persecuted, Jesus showed amazing grace, displaying a love that transcends personal hurts. His compassion has no limits, reaching out to those who hurt him and showing a truly perfect love.

Dear God,

I lift my heart in gratitude for the incredible gift of Your Son, Jesus – the ultimate form of compassion. In sending Him, You showed a love beyond measure, a compassion that knows no bounds. Thank you for this profound demonstration of Your mercy and grace. May I always treasure and reflect the compassion found in Jesus.

In His name, I offer this thanks.


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